[Solved] Lily is buying theatre tickets. 4 adult tickets at £15 each 2 child tickets at £10 each A 10% booking fee is added to the ticket price. 3% is then added for paying by credit card. Work out the total ticket price if Lily is paying by card.

Verified Answer: Lily is buying theatre tickets. 4 adult tickets at £15 each 2 child tickets at £10 each A 10% booking fee is added to the ticket price. 3% is then added for paying by credit card. Work out the total ticket price if Lily is paying by card.

Concept Used:

To solve this question, you will need to understand the following concepts:

  1. How to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  2. How to calculate the cost of an item given the price per unit and the number of units.
  3. How to calculate a percentage of a given number. For example, if the booking fee is 10%, and the total cost of the tickets is £80, then the booking fee will be 10% * £80 = £8.
  4. How to add multiple amounts together to find a total. In this problem, we needed to add the cost of the adult tickets, the cost of the child tickets, the booking fee, and the credit card fee to find the final total cost.

By understanding these concepts, you will be able to solve this problem and similar problems in the future.

Step by Step Explanation:

  1. First, we need to calculate the cost of the adult tickets. There are 4 adult tickets, and each ticket costs £15, so the total cost of the adult tickets is 4 tickets * £15/ticket = £60.
  2. Next, we need to calculate the cost of the child tickets. There are 2 child tickets, and each ticket costs £10, so the total cost of the child tickets is 2 tickets * £10/ticket = £20.
  3. Now, we need to add the cost of the adult and child tickets to find the total cost of the tickets. The total cost of the tickets is £60 + £20 = £80.
  4. We are told that a booking fee of 10% is added to the ticket price, so we need to calculate the cost of the booking fee. The booking fee is 10% * £80 = £8.
  5. Now we need to add the booking fee to the total cost of the tickets to find the new total cost. The total cost of the tickets, including the booking fee,, is £80 + £8 = £88.
  6. Finally, we are told that a credit card fee of 3% is added to the total cost when paying by credit card. We need to calculate the cost of the credit card fee. The credit card fee is 3% * £88 = £2.64.
  7. We can now add the credit card fee to the total cost of the tickets, including the booking fee, to find the final total cost. The total cost of the tickets, including the booking fee and credit card fee, is £88 + £2.64 = £90.64. This is the final answer.

Alternative Method

Solution: First, we will find the price of the tickets without the booking fee and credit card fees.

Price of 4 adult tickets = 4 × 15

Price of 4 adults tickets = 60

Price of 2 child tickets = 2 × 10

Price of 2 child tickets = 20

Price of 6 tickets = Price of 4 adult tickets + Price of 2 child tickets

Price of 6 tickets = 60 + 20

Price of 6 tickets = £80

We will calculate the booking fees, which are 10% of the total price of the tickets.

10% of £80=£8

∴The booking fee is £8.

Now we will add the booking fees to the ticket price.

The price of the ticket after the booking fee is = £80 + £8

The price of the ticket after the booking fee is = £88

Now, we will calculate the credit card fee, which is 3% of the ticket price after the booking fee.

3% of £88 = £2.64

Price of the ticket after the credit card fee = £88 + £2.64

The price of the ticket after the credit card fee is = £90.64

Hence, the total ticket price, if Lilly is paying by credit card, is £90.64


Lilly wants to buy these tickets for a show. Four adult tickets at £15 each and 2 child tickets at £10 each A 10% booking fee is added to the ticket price. 3% is then added for paying by credit card. The total ticket price if Lily pays by credit card is £90.64.

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