[Solved] A clothing store sells 300 skirts in January. If the number of skirts it sells in February is 40% higher, how many skirts will it sell in February?

The problem states that a clothing store sells 300 skirts in January and asks how many skirts the store will sell in February if the number of skirts sold is 40% higher than in January.

To solve this problem, we need to use the concept of percentage increase.

The percentage increase measures how much a quantity has grown relative to its original value.

We first need to find the difference between the new and original values to calculate the percentage increase. We then divide this difference by the original value and multiply by 100 to get the percentage increase.

In this problem, we know that the number of skirts sold in February is 40% higher than in January. To find out how many skirts the store will sell in February, we need to add this percentage increase to the number of skirts sold in January.

A clothing store sells 300 skirts in January. If the number of skirts it sells in February is 40% higher, the clothing store will sell 420 skirts in February.

Step-by-step explanation

Step 1: Identify the given values and the unknown value

The given values in this problem are:

  • The number of skirts sold in January = 300
  • The percentage increase in the number of skirts sold in February = 40%

The unknown value we need to find is:

  • The number of skirts sold in February

Step 2: Calculate the percentage increase

To calculate the percentage increase, we need to find the difference between the new value (number of skirts sold in February) and the original value (number of skirts sold in January).

The difference is:

Difference = 40% * 300 Difference = 0.4 * 300 Difference = 120

This means that the number of skirts sold in February is 120 more than in January.

Step 3: Add the percentage increase to the original value

To find the number of skirts sold in February, we need to add the percentage increase (120) to the original value (300):

Number of skirts sold in February = Number of skirts sold in January + Percentage increase

Number of skirts sold in February = 300 + 120

Number of skirts sold in February = 420

Therefore, the clothing store will sell 420 skirts in February.

Final Answer

A clothing store sells 300 skirts in January. If the number of skirts it sells in February is 40% higher, the clothing store will sell 420 skirts in February.

In summary, to solve this problem, we used the concept of percentage increase to calculate how much the number of skirts sold in February had increased from the number sold in January.

We then added this increase to the number sold in January to find the total number of skirts sold in February.

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